If you are interested in getting involved and praying for refugees and asylum seekers in Nottingham, we would love to hear from you!

Give us an email on compassion@trinitychurchnottingham.org or drop Lib a message on 07568 565303.


English Classes

We are running English Classes every Wednesday, 1.30pm-3pm, in partnership with Refugee Roots, here at Trinity Church.

If you are interested in volunteering for the English Classes please email compassion@trinitychurchnottingham.org.


We are looking for people to help and befriend refugee families who are making Nottingham home. Let us know if you are interested!

Commitment can work around your schedule*

Email Lib on compassion@trinitychurchnottingham.org to find out more.


1. Pray for refugees and asylum seekers in our city, that they will find home and safety in Nottingham.

2. Pray for everyone part of our Trinity family who are supporting and working with refugees and asylum seekers in Nottingham at this time.