The Jesus Revolution: Sober intoxication

Continuing in our series ‘The Jesus Revolution’ Jonny preaches from Acts 2 and Ephesians 5, the Holy Spirit offers an intoxication that is unlike the worlds. One where you receive knowledge you once did not have previously rather than the intoxication of the world that makes you forget what you have already known.

The Holy spirits intoxication makes us whole, rather than the intoxication of the world leaving us empty.

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The Jesus revolution: What just happened?!

This week we start a new preaching series ‘The Jesus Revolution’ Jonny outlines how the church is in a problematic state if we want to see the church grow and the Kingdom of God expand.

He urges us to see that we need a "‘Jesus revolution’ and compares the likeness of our cultural circumstance to the early church in acts and encourages us to follow in there footsteps through the power of the Holy Spirit.

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Commissioning Sunday: St Saviours

This week the trinity family enter into a new season as we commission Jo and John lees-Robinson and their team. We get to hear the vision they have for a vibrant centre of God’s presence, as they prepare to plant a new worshipping community into St Saviours church in the Meadows, Nottingham.

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Vision Sunday: The Cost

Continuing on our series on Vision: Jonny preaches on the feeding of the five thousand. Jesus says to the Disciples “you give them something to eat.” Jonny relates this to the fact that the resources of the kingdom of God are often in our hands. Financial generosity is an essential part of our personal discipleship, the life of the church and the advance of the kingdom of God.

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