9am service | Auction House, 192 Mansfield Rd
An hour-long service, more contemplative in style, during which Trinity Kids meet downstairs in two groups: 2–4 year olds together, and 5–9 year olds together.

10am Coffee + Connection between services
During this time of connection and refreshments, kids and youth can check in from 10.30am for the 11am kids groups and youth service.

11am service | Auction House, 192 Mansfield Rd
A vibrant service of worship, teaching and encounter. Meanwhile Trinity Youth gather at St Andrew’s for a dedicated youth service, and kids enjoy activities in school year groups, meeting in the downstairs kids’ space at the Auction House. Finishing at approximately 12.30pm.

6.30pm service | Auction House, 192 Mansfield Rd
A more informal service offering the same teaching as the morning, with extended time for worship and ministry, and the chance to linger and soak in the presence of God. Followed by refreshments and a hangout for all, being hosted downstairs.


Family Worship

Occasionally, our 11am gatherings are set aside for Family Worship. On these Sundays, kids and youth check in downstairs as usual but then join the wider church family upstairs for the first half hour of the service, during which our all-age sung worship and actions are led with help from our younger members!


2 February

30 March
(Mothering Sunday and the final day of our Weekend at Home!)

18 May

12 July


Please park with consideration for our neighbours!

We encourage you to park in the Nottingham High School car park which we have use of every Sunday for our 9am and 11am services (note: morning only) (except during the annual Goose Fair in Oct) – see the map below.



Our 11am adult service is live streamed here.


For more information head to our Kids & Youth pages!


Missed a service?

Follow the link for all past Sunday morning services.


join in during the week

join us in prayer

Patterns are helpful to fuel our faith. At Trinity we read a psalm in the morning, pray the Lord’s Prayer at noon, and the examen at the end of the day.


Join us for a smaller, quieter midweek service at 2.30pm on Wednesdays, following our Home Space drop-in.


FAQS for SUNDAY Services

  • We welcome anyone with accessibility requirements and will endeavour to accommodate any needs you may have. Please get in touch prior to your visit so we can make sure the necessary arrangements are made.

  • Our car park is designated for those on team or with accessibility requirements. If you need a space reserving please get in touch with us so we can make sure a space is available for you.

  • We provide kids provision at both the 9am and 11am service, where we have kids groups for 2-10s that run for the duration of our morning services. Parents/Carers can sign their children in at the check in station in the downstairs home space, then drop their kids off at the Trinity kids door for either 8:55am or 10:55am. Kids team will be on hand to help you get signed in and point you to the right direction.  

    For parents/carers with children under 2, we live stream the service downstairs in the Home space area and have child friendly toys available.  

    Our youth provision is during the 11am service, all youth sit together upstairs with the youth team for worship then they walk up the hill to St Andrews where they have snacks, free time then split off into year groups for times of bible study and prayer. Youth then walk back to Trinity at 12:30pm. 

  • Item description
  • We email out during the term what our teaching topics are going to be and also send out a Trinity Kids Broadcast Group after every Sunday about what we've looked at in kids, prayer and conversation points. 

  • Embers: 2-5 year olds 

    Blaze: Years 1 & 2 

    Ignite: Years 3 & 4

    Flame: Year 5 

  • We make lots of space to receive the Holy Spirit together and to encounter God. We may invite people forward to receive prayer ministry but please feel under no pressure to do so.

    If you would appreciate a pastoral conversation in addition to prayer ministry, please just let one of the team know as we offer a wider Soul Care ministry.

  • For communion services, everyone will be offered a wafer or gluten free alternative. We ask that people sip from the communion cup rather than dipping their wafers, as this is understood to be the more hygienic option.

  • If you have any questions please drop an email to and someone from our team will get back to you.