At Trinity, the vision is to see the Church on Fire and the City Alive. Sundays are where we feed the fire and we want Discipleship Groups to be where it burns.
You can’t be a Christian alone, so we’re committed to seeing Discipleship Groups become a core part of our life together over the coming years. We want this to be simple enough for everyone to engage, and deep enough for anyone to grow.
We want to follow Jesus, together, to see the kingdom come.
Discipleship Groups will focus on three things:
Sharing our lives as growing disciples of Jesus.
Eating together as a family, around dinner tables and lounges across the city.
Praying for God’s mission in the world, seeking to join in what He’s doing, and participating in the in-breaking Kingdom work.
Discipleship Groups will include three core practices:
Eat - share a meal together in the presence of Jesus
Share - share about our lives and around Scripture
Pray - for each other, our communities, and the wider world
Relationships deepen when we spend time together, and that’s why we are inviting the Trinity family to prioritise regular Christian community by meeting weekly.
Hear More: Welcome Lunch
If you’re new to Trinity, we’d love to invite you to our next Welcome Lunch where you can hear about our heart for Discipleship Groups (and more!) and choose to get more deeply involved in the Trinity family. It’s taking place on
Sunday 4th May at 1pm (following the 11am service) - sign up here.
If you feel a Discipleship Group isn't the right place for you at this moment…
You might want to join an Alpha Group! We’d still love you to complete the Groups signup form and let us know you would like to be part of Alpha.
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