In 2024 we will be leaning into the idea of cultivating community and hospitality even more intentionally, ensuring everyone finds a place to belong at Trinity. We'll be hosting a series of monthly Belong events to which you are warmly invited. Do put these dates in your diaries! More information to follow over the coming weeks.

Sun 28th Jan: Bring & Share Lunch (following Family Worship)
Fri 9th Feb: Volunteers' Celebration for all who serve on a team

Fri 22nd March: Friday Night In – meals hosted in homes across the city
Sun 28th Apr: Bring & Share Lunch (following Family Worship)
Sun 19th May: Hog Roast Supper (5pm)

Sun 23rd June: Trinity Family Picnic at the Arboretum (after 11am service)

25th–28th July: Trinity Church holiday at Focus (Newark Showground)

With love,