MORNING - Scripture

As a church we start our morning by reading God’s word, we encourage families to try reading a Psalm together; Psalms are likes songs or poems to God, some are happy, some are sad, but all are people honestly talking to God.

You could try getting one of the grown ups to read a Psalm a couple of times through while everyone else draws what they feel God is saying to them. 

Want to find out the Psalm for the Day? Click below…

MIDDAY - Lord’s Prayer

At 12 o’clock the whole church stops what they’re doing and prays the Lord’s Prayer, we want you to join in too!

Here’s some of our kids praying the Lord’s Prayer as a rap:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever.

BEDTIME — Examen

This is just a way of talking to God about the day that’s just gone, and looking forwards to the next one.

Here’s a simple 5 fingered examen: 

Thumb - Just Breathe! Relax and remember that God is with you!

Index Finger - What am I thankful for today? Try listing some things out loud or writing them in your journal.

Middle Finger - What happened today that made me feel sad, or happy? Imagine you’re back there but this time Jesus is with you, what is Jesus saying to you? 

Ring Finger - What do I want to say to God? This is the time to praise God, or tell him how you feel, or to ask him for something or to just sit back and listen to him. 

Little Finger - What is happening tomorrow? You might have it all planned out, or you might not know, but either way, remember that he is with you! For now, let’s say goodnight.