Please complete the following form to give us a better idea of the context in which you’re operating, so we can discern whether the School of Worship would be beneficial for you. We will get in touch with you by 13th September to confirm the outcome. If you’ll be joining us on the course, this will be the point at which we’ll take payment for the course fee.

If you have any questions in the meantime, please email


Trinity Church Nottingham is committed to ensuring the security and protection of the personal information that we process, and to provide a compliant and consistent approach to data protection. If your application is successful, we will store the information given in your form for the duration of the course only, and treat it as confidential within our wider GDPR policy, using your contact details to communicate with you purely for the purposes of the course (ie. you will not be added to any other mailing lists). If your application is unsuccessful, your data will not be stored and we will not use your contact details for future communications.