This week we read Revelation 4 together, in which John describes an image he has of the throne room of God. Jonny explores how these verses reflect a true depiction of what it is to worship God.
Read MoreThis week Amy Jones speaks to us about Jesus’ message to the church in Laodicea. In this final letter, Jesus speaks of how He despises the Church’s lukewarm faith. Amy explores this accusation of self-sufficiency and describes the beauty of the open door of dependence which Jesus lovingly invites to walk through in faith.
Read MoreThis week we explore together the letter to the Philadelphians. Mark unpacks for us how Jesus redefines Holiness with a radical invitation to the church. Here Holiness is depicted not as a standard of perfection to be attained but rather as an open door into which He gracefully invites us to walk into - the door into His presence. In the profound beauty of His agape love He invites us to sit at His feet and simply enjoy being with Him.
Read MoreThis week Jonny unpacks the letter to the church in Sardis in Revelation 3. He calls us to guard ourselves against sleep-walking through our faith - this season is a time to wake up to the active reality of God and His Kingdom.
Read MoreThis week we read Jesus’ message to the Church in Thyatira, in which He affirms their faith and perseverance, but calls them out on their obedience to the “spirit of Jezebel”. Jonny unpacks what Jezebel represents and how true fullness comes when we accept Jesus’ call us to follow Him and Him alone.
Read MoreAs we approach Lent as a church family, Amy camps out in Matthew 4, unpacking Jesus’ victory over the devil in the wilderness. The beauty of this passage is that Jesus has gone before us, we can lean on Him as our source of strength and vitality as we learn to depend on His unfailing, irrevocable love with our whole lives.
Read MoreJonny unpacks Jesus’ message to the Church in Pergamum. Where we make space for the idols of the world and open ourselves up to the power of their influence - even in small ways - we are inherently making a compromise on the transformative and all-consuming of the gospel. Jesus died so that we may have fullness of life in Him, and this week Jonny explores with us the challenging beauty of that narrow pathway.
Read MoreThis week Jo shares with us the cost of love. We see in this passage that, in a fallen world, love will never exist without cost. As a result, as Christians we frequently find ourselves under incredible amounts of pressure. Jo talks us through how we can cope with that, and draws us further into the reality of Jesus - not just His demonstration of love’s earthly cost, but of the promise of His eternal heavenly provision.
Read MoreThis week we read Jesus’ message to the church in Ephesus, a church living for God but not with God. Amy shares with us the beauty of intimacy with Jesus and invites us to know Him afresh as our first love.
Read MoreThis week we explore John’s depiction of Jesus at the start of the book of Revelation. At the centre of every new revival is a fresh revelation of who Jesus is, and this is what we seeking today.
Read MoreThis week we are excited to enter together into a new teaching series, as Jonny introduces to us the book of Revelation and the depth of its challenge to the comfort and stagnancy in our lives. Rev. 1:1-11.
Read MoreOn this New Years Day service, Mark invites us to look forward into 2023 with a fresh sense of hope. Not a hope that we must force ourselves to feel, but a profound, daring hope which lies within God’s steadfast faithfulness.
Read MoreOn Christmas Day at Trinity, Jonny speaks on Colossians chapter 1. “The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for him.”
Read MoreWelcome to Trinity Carols! This year we are celebrating the truth of Jesus in and amongst the reality of an increasingly-weary world. Jonny shares with us the all-consuming, incomparable, world-shifting beauty of the Gospel.
Read More‘Heaven is a person’. This week Amy speaks to us about what it means to groan for creation to be made new. What does it mean to live in the tension between the brokenness of our world and the promise of God’s glorious, reformative plan for our world?
Read MoreThis week Jo explores the story of Mary, mother of Jesus, and reminds us of the deep and unwavering mercy of God.
Read MoreThis week Pete Hughes talks to us about the blood, sweat and tears of purifying our hearts. Only pure hearts, devoted to God in undivided praise, will bring about the true renewal on Earth that we long to see.
Read MoreMark explains, with academic rigour and depth, why women are in Christ given equal authority to men. “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Gal. 3:28)
Read MoreIn a time of crisis the most powerful and impactful thing we can do is bind ourselves in friendship to Jesus in times of crisis. This week Jonny describes this upside-down dynamic in the context of Ruth’s covenant.
Read MoreThis week Beth explores the redemptive narrative of the book of Ruth, and speaks to us about how Jesus walks into our world to redeem even the most hopeless of stories.
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