The last words of Jesus on the cross were ones of trust and surrender. How can we live with the same posture?
Read MoreThis week Amy speaks to us about the woman at Jesus’ feet. She shares some of her story, and unpacks the devotion we see from the woman led by the grace that Jesus offers.
Read MoreThis week Jonny shares some of his story with us, and speaks about the power of unpacking past narratives to unlock present freedom.
Read MoreThe next few weeks will involve Jonny and Amy sharing their sense of what God is doing amongst our church family in this time. This week Amy shares with us her heart for intercession, something we can see spreading across our congregation in powerful ways, and encourages with tools that can help us lean in.
Read MoreThis week our curate Anna speaks to us about the wordless groaning that comes when we engage with the brokenness of our world, and the numbness that comes when we bottle it up. Together we explore Psalm 126 and reflect on how Jesus longs to gift us His tears for us and for this world.
Read MoreTaking hold of the desires God plants in our hearts comes from allowing God plants in our hearts comes from allowing God to take hold of us, and then He gives us what He has in mind. Our friend Steve Richardson joins us from Oregon, USA to share his heart with us.
Read MoreMark unpacks the promises in the final chapter of revelation, and speaks to us about how prayer can bring them into being.
Read MoreThis week Jonny speaks of the power that exists within us. We are commissioned to carry the Spirit of God within our broken minds, hearts and bodies wherever we go. What would it look like to focus on the treasure within the jar rather than the brokenness of the jar?
Read MoreContinuing our series on Revelation, Lauren shares about the New Creation. The future time and place where there is no chaos, no distance, no pain and all things are new. She shows us that in Jesus Christ the New Creation has already come and as Christians we are invited to live in reality and invite others into that today.
Read MoreThis Pentecost Sunday, Jonny looks at Acts Two and speaks on what it means to long for the ministry of the Holy Spirit. He takes us through eight characteristics and indicators of the Spirit’s work, and calls us to open ourselves up to the possibility of the Holy Spirit moving powerfully today.
Read MoreThis week Amy unpacks this image: “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True.” In revelation we see Jesus implement the victory of the cross, making all things nee and judging evil. Amy calls us to lean wholly into this truth, surrendering every part of our lives to the trustworthy and glorious Lordship of Christ.
Read MoreContinuing our series on Revelation, Jo unpacks the series of ‘Sevens’ found across the book which highlight the level of resistance to God’s kingdom coming in fullness. Together we explore God’s judgement on evil and the part the church has to play in contending for the Kingdom of God to come.
Read MoreThis week Jonny describes the dangers of Babylon depicted in Revelation, and explains the way in which Babylon remains as real as it ever was - surrounding us in our world today. Our world is not one centred on God, and in order to follow Him we must become acutely aware of the places devoid of HIs presence.
Read MoreThis week we take a short break from our Revelation series and explore together what it means to bring costly worship before God. We read the story of the woman and the alabaster jar, and in a service flipped on its head Jonny and Amy share with us their heart and their dream for the coming season.
Read MoreWe are excited to be entering into a four-part mini-series on the most significant signs and wonders in the book of Revelation. We kick off this week as Mark unpacks the story of the woman and the dragon, a profound image of the power of the devil as well as the all-consuming power of Christ which overcomes.
Read MoreThis week Beth shares some thoughts on Jesus’ last interaction with Peter in the Gospel of John. In spite of our deepest sin, we are deeply known. Each and every one of us is called to follow the path that Jesus has laid out for us, no matter what condition we’re in.
Read MoreHe is risen! On Easter Sunday we gather at Trinity to celebrate the truth and joy of Jesus’ resurrection, and we remind ourselves that we too, are called into resurrection life. Jonny unpacks this for us through the story of Lazarus.
Read MoreThis week Amy unpacks Revelation 5. From the agony of John’s longing for someone to reveal God’s plan, to the joy of the Lamb’s victory, Amy calls us to lean in to the powerful weakness of not being in control - all for the glory of God and the extension of His kingdom.
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